Dalibor Dado Medic's Memorial

Dalibor Dado Medic
(1983 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Dalibor Dado Medic
Nick Name: Dee
Gender: Male
Age: 24 years old
Lived: Sunday, 16 January 1983 - Wednesday, 12 September 2007

My Story

Dalibor was born on January 16th, 1983 in Sisak, Croatia.  His parents are Radovan & Dragica Medic, sister Danijela & Renata. Dalibor was a beautifull baby boy. He was very quiet baby but as he was getting older he was very outgoing. During his early childhood he lived in Petrinja, Croatia and because of the war had to move to Serbia in 1995. Dado & his family lived in Serbia until 1997 and than moved to USA. Move to USA has been really challenging but his transformation has been so easy. He made lots of friends and learned new language so fast that a lot of people taught he was born here. Dalibor was amazing person. Loved by a lot. He was so easy to love. He was very helpfull in so many ways. Dalibor loved sports, soccer especially but his favorite thing was working out. He would work out almost every day when he would come back from work. Another thing that he loved was cars.   His life was cut short but for sure he did accomplish a lot during his 24 years of life. He became and angel and now is with his sister Daijela who he missed a lot and also his two grandparents.  Dalibor also left behind his two beautifull sons Aleksandar & Danijel. Aleks was born on December 5th 2005 and Danijel on July 18th 2007. Dalibor loved his babies more than anything in this world. His boys never got to really know him. It's gonna be hard to fill his spot but we will try our best to make their precious childhood happy.

Latest Tributes

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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10 dugih tužnih godina je prošlo a bol za tobom je uvijek ista i teška i ne prestaje.Fališ nam puno dragi Dado,vole t...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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Volimo te dragi tata,fališ nam svaki dan,tvoji sinovi: Aleks i Daniel.
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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Love you daddy,your sons Aleks and Daniel
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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Rest in peace dear dady son,brother,granson,nephew,cousin,friend...you are so missed...its 10 long years after you le...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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Dragi nas Dado ,prošlo je 10 dugih,tužnih godina od kako te nema sa nama.Bol za tobom je uvijek ista,fališ nam svaki ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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Dragi sine Dalibore,danas je 10 godina kako si nas napustio.Srce nas boli za tobom i puno nam nedostaješ svaki dan.Pu...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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Sretan Uskrs Danijela i Dalibore andeli naši nedostajete nam svaki dan
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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12.9.2007.-12.9.2016. Prošlo je 9. dugih i bolnih godina kako si nas napustio.Pocivaj u miru.Vole te tvoji sinovi,ta...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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12.9.2007. si nas zauvjek napustio i ostavio nas u dubokoj boli i tuzi.Slomljenog srca ne prode ni jedan dan da ne mi...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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Nedostaješ nam svaki dan dragi sine. Vole te tata i mama
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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Dragi naš voljeni sine,danas je tvoj rodendan ali tebe nema da ga proslavimo. Volimo te i puno nam nedostaješ svaki d...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: neutjesni
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Dragi naš sine, još jedan Božic,tužan i pretužan cemo provesti bez tebe.Nisi sa nama ali si u našim mislima i srcima...


Fathers Name: Radovan
Mothers Name: Dragica
Children's Names: Aleksandar & Danijel
Siblings Names: Renata & Danijela
Country of Birth: Croatia
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Phoenix
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Sport: Soccer
Favourite Music Genre: Rap and Hip-Hop


Place of Passing: Phoenix, AZ
Date of Passing: 12 September 2007
Place of Burial: Pheonix Memorial Park
Funeral Date: 15 September 2007

Music - Without you here

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15,643 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: tvojinajmiliji on 9 September 2008    |     Back to Top