How to Write a Memorial Poem

Sometimes it is easier to express our emotions in poetic form. Many people are cautious about a poem because they misunderstand the need for rhythm or tempo. Both these factors can come into play but are not as necessary as the poet might think.

A poem begins when emotions are high. The ability to express those emotions with images and succinct descriptions adds power and meaning the poem. The poet should not feel a need to comply with any definite structure. More important than format, rhyme or rhythm is the conveyance of the emotion that inspires the poem.

A poem can require many drafts to feel it expresses the correct emotions. One of the appealing features of is that the poet can take his or her time to polish off work. One of the amazing things about creating a poem is that every time the poet reads the work, it sounds and feels just a little different.

When all the pieces and all the emotions come together, poetry delivers a powerful, poignant message. This type tribute is highly personal. Readers love to digest poetry. They often read and re-read the poem time after time. Depending upon their mood, the poem may take a different meaning each time the poem is read.

When the poet has the emotions scripted carefully, rhythm and meter can then be addressed. Rhythm is the sound of the poem as it is read. Meter is the pace or structure of the poem. The original poem can be formatted to the poet's satisfaction. The way the poem is read, or the rhythm, is what counts.

The poet should not be afraid to ask friends to read the poem aloud. How those readers read the poem will help guide the word selection. What the poet is listening for is where the emphasis falls. When the emphasis increases the emotion, the poet will have done his or her job.

More than 35,000 tributes to friends and family members have been posted on Poems are among the most compelling expressions of emotions. A posted photo accompanied by a poem makes a powerful statement.

Usually the purpose of the words the poet selects is to create imagery. Almost every line should deliver an emotion or an image. One of the attractive features of is that poets can post their wok and edit it after a while. The most important thing about a memorial poem is the creation of a meaningful tribute to a dear friend or family member. Say it like you feel it and all will be well.

Memorial Poems

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