Viji  Weerasinghe's Memorial

Viji Weerasinghe
(1927 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Mr Viji Weerasinghe
Gender: Male
Age: 80 years old
Lived: Saturday, 17 September 1927 - Wednesday, 31 October 2007

My Story

"""""“With love to a Guru par excellence""""""""""""”

tribute to Late Mr Vijitha Weerasinghe of Royal

“A good teacher is like a candle: it consumes itself to light the way for others.”
Author Anonymous

In society we meet scores of men. Some live their lives. Many appear dead even when they are alive and a few remain eternal even after their demise.

Rarely, we come across a personality who leaves lasting and indelible, positive impressions in scores of other people. Even if they cease to exist physically, impacts they leave remain vibrant and everlasting.

Many would agree that my mention is of a kind of an endangered human species fast facing extinction in the context of present society.

A true gentleman of such caliber who was so dear to many generations of Royalists departed on October 31st, leaving tens of thousands of his peers, contemporaries, students, besides his beloved family and relatives in tears and sorrow.

I wish to pay an explicit tribute to a unique human-being born on 17th September, 1927 named Vijitha Weerasinghe and fondly referred to as ‘Viji’ by some and ‘Duckie’ by older vintage, who found his way to Royal Preparatory School at his tender age of 5+ as a student in 1933.

Being raised in the footsteps of a great Principals of the caliber of Mr. E L Bradby, and Mr. J C A Corea, no one hardly would have imagined ‘Viji’ was beginning a marathon with Royal that was to continue for over 70 years, death unto fall apart.

They would have little known that here was a budding role model who would capture the quintessence of a true Royalist heritage for generations to follow and pass on to the next.

He completed his secondary education in 1947 imbibing all the rich traditions, culture and heritage akin to Royal, adding to all learning of Books.

Destiny was in the making both for Viji and Royal. In 1950 he was back at Royal, this time embarking on his second life as a temporary teacher.

In one of his most recent messages he said “Having been within the precincts of Royal College, in one capacity or another for a total of 73 of my 80 years, the sprit of this wonderful school of ours has found its way into my blood and penetrated my bones!”

He preferred to be in the public service, diligently discharging more than what was expected of him in the noblest profession, not as a matter of privilege, but as the reward of merit and contentment.

Royal being the melting pot in Sri Lankan society his students came from diverse social strata and all walks of life from the four corners of the country, belonging to all religions and ethnicities.

As students we were never allowed to look down on another on the basis of racial, religious, social or economic differences, which have become fast diminishing values in current context though we still hold on to, as ‘treasures in life’.

Royal was, is and will be a place for all Sri Lankan students where every one was equal and heads held high and straight - that was the spirit he demonstrated.

If I were to quote my role model in living memory who demonstrated equanimity to the spirit and letter, it was none other than Mr Weerasinghe and possibly with his demise it will mark end of an era.

Among his students were ones who later became religious, business and social leaders, Prime ministers, Cabinet Ministers, MPs, Corporate Chairmen, CEOs etc. Irrespective of their personal attainments, in their acceptance too Viji had earned few things in common – Dignity and respect held in the highest esteem.

His students became millionaires and some billionaires later in their adult life, yet he chose to live a simple life well within his means and never sought personal favours financially or otherwise.

Even when it came to fund raising for college activities he did not like very much even to burden the most affluent.

However, he was available anytime to anyone devoid of social or financial standing of the person to offer help and advise. His advise was always golden and comforting the affected. Thousands if not tens of thousands would have religiously sought refuge in his advise to their benefit.

Even an offender found solace in his kindness and compassion as harshness or punishment was never the basis of his solution.

Viji Weerasinghe Sir, I salute you my teacher, guru, mentor and the most accomplished true gentlemen I ever met so far in life. Your inspiration is unmatchable.

I cherish the good fortune of having had an association for 38 long years with you first as a student and later, which became closer with my active involvement with the Royal College Union during the past 16 years. In every encounter my respect for you could only grow deeper and deeper.

It was destined for me to have had the final conscious discussion with Viji Sir on Sunday the 28th October morning, minutes before his eventual admission to the Hospital, which was once again on the topic of helping the youth in the country.

I will dearly miss your affable greetings, endearing smile, golden advice and the rest of charm, every time I have to walk past your room in the RCU Skills Centre in future.

Respected Sir, May you attain the supreme bliss of ‘Nibbana’

Until such time, I wish, I shall have the good fortune to continue this association in ‘Sansara’

Kamal Abeysinghe

:::::::::Good Night! Sweet Prince
Flights of angels sing thee to thy rest::::::::::

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Country of Birth: Sri Lanka
Country of Residence: Sri Lanka
City of Residence: Colombo
Occupation: Education & Training
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Buddhist



Date of Passing: 31 October 2007
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