Robert C.  Butler's Memorial

Robert C. Butler
(1932 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Mr Robert C. Butler
Nick Name: "C"
Gender: Male
Age: 77 years old
Lived: Thursday, 10 March 1932 - Thursday, 18 June 2009

My Story

Robert C. Butler’s legacy began in the Deep South, in the state of Mississippi on March 10, 1932. His parents were the late Willie and Idella Butler. Robert lived life to the fullest. He was a spiritual man, filled with compassion for social justice and always ready for life’s next adventure. He took great pleasure in God’s creation, often taking the time to marvel at its beauty and splendor.

Robert married Marva Patterson on May 1, 1953. To this union, God blessed them with 8 children, 18 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. Like many African Americans in the early to mid 1900s, Robert and his family migrated to the North to seek employment opportunities in industrial cities. Robert and his family arrived on the Westside of Chicago, Illinois in 1955.

Robert was a family man and was committed to instilling in his children Christian values and pride in their African ancestry. Robert was active in the Civil Rights movement and participated in peaceful demonstration in Lawndale and Gage Park with the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in protest of the racial discrimination he often experienced. Additionally, in the late 1960s, Robert collaborated with Christian Reform Church leaders and other African American parents to successfully desegregate Timothy Christian School.

Most importantly, Robert loved the Lord and knew Him as his personal Savior. He spent many years of service at the Garfield Christian Reformed Church at various times serving as elder, deacon and Sunday school superintendent. Robert treasured his family and valued the importance of education.

In spite of his limited formal education, Robert was a very wise man. He mastered the skill of mixing chemical solutions (without directions) and used the solutions for his successful truck washing business. He worked long and hard hours to put his children through private schools believing for a strong educational foundation for each of them. Robert was employed for 13 years by the Pepsi Cola and Cocoa Cola Companies. After leaving the Pepsi Cola Company, Robert became an entrepreneur, starting his own businesses, Father and Sons Truck Washing, The Greasy Spoon Restaurant and later, expanding Father and Sons Truck Washing to Father and Sons Building Cleaning and Tuck Pointing Services.

In 2008, Robert proudly volunteered for the Obama presidential campaign. When Obama was declared president-elect on November 4, 2008, Robert telephoned each of his children sobbing tears of joy. He thanked God for this mighty victory, told each child that he loved them, and shared his gratefulness for the opportunity to be alive to witness this historical and monumental milestone.

To those who wonder what the “C” stands for in his name… In fact, it’s simply just the letter ‘C.’ He like many of his siblings was named that way. Perhaps as we reflect on Robert’s life, we could say the “C” stands for Courageous, for that he was as he faced head-on the many challenges of injustice, racism, and discrimination during his life time. Or we could say the “C” stands for Caring. Robert cared deeply for all people. He often said, “there are no ugly people in this world, all people are beautiful! Or we could say the “C” stands for Compassionate. Robert had a deep awareness of and sympathy for those less fortunate. He was a very helpful, loving, and giving man.

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Uncle Robert, When the school system came up with No Child Left Behind, maybe they should have consulted with you ...
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From: ym7512
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Dear Daddy, As I reflect on your life, I am so grateful for everything you have taught me through your simple wor...


Fathers Name: Willie Butler
Mothers Name: Idessa Coleman
Children's Names: Ohtha, Linda, Pamela, Sharon, Robert, Jeaninne, Yolanda, Shaun, Patrick
Siblings Names: Jim, Edward, Theodore, Essie Lee, Idessa, LV, Veverly, Mary D, Johnnie Ruth
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Chicago
Occupation: Construction
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Basketball
Favourite Team: Chicago Bulls
Favourite Book: Bible
Favourite Music Genre: Blues


Place of Passing: Harvey, IL
Date of Passing: 18 June 2009
Type of Funeral: Traditional
Place of Burial: Oakridge Cemetery Hillside, IL
Plot Number: Sec. 30
Funeral Director: Wallace
Funeral Location: Wallace Broadview Funereal Home 2020 W. Roosevelt Rd. Brodaview, IL
Funeral Date: 24 June 2009
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1,298 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: ym7512 on 27 June 2009    |     Back to Top

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