Rio Onur  's Memorial

Rio Onur
(2007 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Mr Rio Onur
Nick Name: Re Re
Gender: Male
Lived: Thursday, 22 November 2007 - Thursday, 22 November 2007

My Story

This site has been created for a little boy gone to soon..!! Rio's mother Vicky was still pregnant with our little angel when tragically he was taken away.. She was 28 weeks pregnant when she went to hospital with pains and a bleed, the doctors checked the baby but could not find a Heartbeat.. This little boy Had not even been given the chance of life, when god looked down for his next Angel.

Rio was loved by too many to name, he will be loved forever by his Mummy, he is loved by all his family and he is loved by a lot of people who maybe would not of even met him. The point is though Rio was loved by everyone!!

Rio your in our hearts darling and forever you will always be our little Angel in the sky....
Goodnight Rio Sleep tight little guy!!!



This was a life that had hardly begun,
No time to find your place in the sun,
No time to do all you could have done,
But we loved you enough for a lifetime.

No time to enjoy the world and its wealth,
No time to take life down off the shelf,
No time to sing the song of yourself,
Though you had enough love for a lifetime.

Those who love long endure sadness and tears,
But you’ll never suffer the sorrowing years:
No betrayal, no anger, no hatred, no fears,
Just love – only love – in your lifetime.

Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama please don't cry~
"Cause I am in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies."
Please, try not to question God,
Don't think he is unkind
Don't think He sent me to you,
and then He changed his mind.
You see, I am a special child,
and I'm needed up above
I'm the special gift you gave Him,
the product of your love.
I'll always be there with you
and watch the sky at night,
Find the brightest star that's gleaming,
That's my halo's brilliant light.
You'll see me in the morning frost,
that mists your window pane.
That's me in the summer showers,
I'll be dancing in the rain.
When you feel a little breeze,
from a gentle wind that blows
That's me, I'll be there,
planting a kiss on your nose.
When you see a child playing,
and your heart feels a little tug,
That's me, I'll be there,
giving your heart a hug.
So Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama don't your cry.
I'm in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies.

Author~Claudette T. Allen

My Precious Little Baby,
Your face I've never seen.
Your skin I've never touched before,
Nor held you close to me.
You lived inside my body,
But only for a while;
Till Jesus softly whispered,
"Come home my little child."
You must have been a special child;
If God needed you up there.
Because heaven is a better home,
It's beauty can't compare.
So, till I get to heaven,
And see your shining face;
Jesus will take care of you,
And love you in my place.
Yes, Jesus loves His little lambs,
They sit around His throne;
So sit on Jesus' lap dear child
Till Mommy gets called home.

~Author Unknown

I'm going to tell you something
I hope you'll never have to know.
I'll tell you how a heart can break
And tears can constant flow.
I lost my baby Boy you see,
An angel in my eyes
God chose to take his hand one day
And led him to the skies.
But please do not forget my child
He was a person too
And forever he will live
Inside of me and you.
So, please don't ever tell me
That time will heal my pain
Because not even time
Can bring him back again.
Just tell me he is happy
In that land way up above
He's snuggled in an angels wings
All wrapped in Mommy's love.
~Author Unknown

"Death of a Child"
Sorry I didn't get to stay.
To laugh and run and play.
To be there by your side.
I'm sorry that I had to die.
God sent me down to be with you,
to make your loving heart anew.
To help you look up and see
Both God and little me.
Mommy, I wish I could stay.
Just like I heard you pray.
But, all the angels did cry
when they told little me goodbye.
God didn't take me cause' He's mad.
He didn't send me to make you sad.
But to give us both a chance to be
a love so precious...don't you see?
Up here no trouble do I see
and the pretty angels sing to me.
The streets of gold is where I play
you'll come here too, mommy, someday.
Until the day you join me here,
I'll love you mommy, dear.
Each breeze you feel and see,
brings love and a kiss from me.

Author~Sandy Eakle

You don't know how I feel
Please don't tell me that you do.
There's just one way to knowhave you lost a child too?
"You'll have another child!"must I hear this each day?
Can I get another mother, too, if mine should pass away?
Don't say it was "God's will"
That's not the God I know,
Would God on purpose break my heart,
Then watch as my tears flow?
"Aren't you better yet?"
Is that what I heard you say?
NO! A part of my heart aches
I'll always feel some pain.
You think that silence is kind,
But it hurts me even more.
I want to talk about my child
Who has gone through death's door.
Don't say these things to me,
Although you do mean well.
They do not take the pain away;
I must go through this hell.
I will be betterslow but sure
And it helps to have you near.
But a simple "I'm sorry you lost your child"
is all I need to hear.

~Author Unknown

Mommy please don't be sad,
I miss you so much too.
It's beautiful here,
but I worry a lot about you.
I sleep with angels watching me...
there is only love up here.
I am never lonely or afraid
because God is so very near.
I walk with Jesus every day,
He is very kind and loving.
Don't worry Mom, He hold my hand
when we cross a golden street.
I never cry or hurt myself,
I see Grandpa every day.
I play and laugh and sing a lot
and I hear you when you pray.
Please Mommy, don't be mad at God,
you see He loves me too.
And even though you are not with me,
I am really still with you.

~Author Unknown


You started out as a tiny miracle
Made from the deepest love I've ever known
Every minute you were with me
Growing and kicking inside your private home

At night I would wonder who you'd look like
And map out all of our plans
I would go over every single detail
From a baby boy to a great big man

Don't eat this, don't drink that
I watched everything I did
You were going to be perfect and healthy
Just the greatest little kid

Who could ask for anything more
My life was all complete
A loving husband, a warm home, and a baby
My heart could not miss a beat

Then things got so confusing
Things got way out of hand
They told me there was no heart beat
And I just could not understand

Seven months of love you gave me
The most precious days of your life
I will never ever forget you
Even though you are out of my sight

I do nothing but wander around
Searching for a clue
Trying to figure out what happened
And wondering what I should do

I ask the Heavens above to forgive me
Oh please Lord, what have I done
It's so hard for me to face the day
Because you were still my son


Latest Tributes

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Stone Memorial Tribute
From: momofanangel
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For an angel
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lovemylivvy
View Memorial's Tribute I light this candle And fill it with love And send it to you In heaven above
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: 4getmenot
View Memorial's Tribute
god bless you i can only imagine how your mommy feels but I'm sure she loved you more than anything!
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: llittletommy
View Memorial's Tribute
A heart for baby boy Rio..what a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. Tommy and Rio will be playing on the clouds! B...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: miss
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: melissa
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Stone Memorial Tribute
From: lily
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kitty6811
View Memorial's Tribute
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Mitzi
View Memorial's Tribute
God bless this little angel!
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Vicks
View Memorial's Tribute
Darling in 10 hours and 10 minutes i will have to say a long goodbye, i hope you approve of your send off, all mummys...


Fathers Name: Serdar
Mothers Name: Vicky
Country of Birth: Great Britain



Date of Passing: 22 November 2007
Cause of Passing: Born Asleep Our Little Angel
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