Renee Rebekka Elizabeth  DeDuoni Deveroux's Memorial

Renee Rebekka Elizabeth DeDuoni Deveroux
(1983 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Renee Rebekka Elizabeth DeDuoni Deveroux
Nick Name: Nana
Gender: Female
Age: 24 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 4 January 1983 - Wednesday, 19 December 2007

My Story

Good Morning and welcome!
For those of you who don’t know me I’m Dustin, one of Renee’s brothers.  Her brothers and children welcome you and thank you for coming here today to celebrate the extraordinary life of Renee Rebekka Elizabeth DeDuoni Devereux. It saddens me that I am up here speaking of her.  She was taken away so young.  She was only a few weeks shy of her 25th birthday when a drunk driver hit her.  She died due to complications after the accident and after loosing her unborn twins.   Renee was a Giver. She gave of her time, so generously, and was always there for me, when I needed a friend. She was there for many of you too, as her cherished friends spoke of yesterday, always providing an ear, making light of things with her humor, and filling you in on her latest escapades. Renee remembered what was important to the people in her life, and she would touch base with you about that, oh so gently, with openness and a wise, quick comment here or there to keep the conversation going. Renee never forgot a birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion. I would joke with her that she was the “Queen of Hallmark”. So many cards we received from her over the years; and if you have ever seen Renee's handwriting, it was truly remarkable. She had such delicacy and pizzazz, and was so thoughtful and attentive to beauty, and this all came through in her lovely handwriting, and the way she expressed herself in those cards too.

Friendship was so very important to my sister. Her room is full of all friendship mementos she received over the years, and photo albums. She treasured the friends she met through school and church.  She was sorry she let distance come between her and some of her friend through her marriages.  During that time she was so thankful for those of us that stuck by her and gave her strength when things were rough for her.  Oh, how touched she would by all of you who are here today or called to ask about her over the last week.  For those who couldn't come, she understands, and will speak to these loved ones when they pray and think of her.

Renee also had lifetime friendships, and many shared understandings (both spoken and unspoken) with people in our community. It was your visits, calls, and conversations, especially at times when Renee was struggling to make a huge change in her life and make things better for her and her children. In all this support she found an added sense of security.

Renee's family… It goes without saying how much love she had for her family. Renee was always there at the door, greeting and saying good-bye to each and every one of us. Oh, how sweet her hugs were. How infectious her laugh was, especially when she was laughing so hard, she couldn't say a word!  She spent so many good times with her immediate family, her children and her relatives. She was so at home in our new home and neighborhood.  Here she was truly happy.   So much a part of each and every one of us - those bonds will never be broken.

Most of all, Renee's life was nurtured and touched by the strong love and profound dedication of her brothers, father, children and friends. You couldn’t find more support and joy than she had the last two months of her life.

If I have missed anyone, it is because Renee is not here, for me to proof read this to, and for her to say, Dustin you need to fix this.  She was my Big Sister and one of my best friends. She wasn't afraid to tell me what to do, or what was appropriate and what was not. She had a sense of social etiquette, perhaps only second to the Queen. She would have been shaking her head yesterday that I arrived in Philly without dress shoes, and I had to take the time to go and buy some so I could stand up here today and speak.  That was our Renee: she was always so well organized and on top of her social commitments I, for one, pale in comparison!

I'd like to share with you a memory of Renee - our social butterfly. Renee loved to dine out, and she had a particular knack for running down the menu, and ordering the most expensive item. It didn't matter who was footin' the bill. So it was always the Italian Kitchen here in Philly!

I want to share something else with you about my precious sister.  She was the most loving and giving mother.  In my childhood she was more my mother than our own mom was.  She was always the one who was there for me when I was upset or angry.  She stayed up with me when I was sick and nursed my broken heart.  I have had the pleasure to live with her and watch her mother her three wonderful children that are here with me today and the two children that never had a chance to feel her love outside of her womb.  She was always there for them whenever they needed her and was the first one on the floor playing with them and spending time with Pierre, Penny and James.  

If you would like to do something in the memory of Renee, I leave you with two offerings. The first would be to use what power and privilege you have to provide meaningful support to people who are in an abusive relationship. I ask you to do this proudly, in the memory of Renee.

The second would be to always make overtures of friendship; it is such a simple act, which Renee did daily. Offer friendship to others, in her Beloved Memory.

Lastly, as so many of you said to her family and I over the past week, Renee's courage was and is an inspirational to us all.  If she had her say on how she would be remembered it would be through her kind, beautiful heart and her courage to overcome the pains in her life.  

Again I thank you for coming.

Latest Tributes

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: micbc
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: micbc
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: llittletommy
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Dustin..(also my sons name) your sister sounded like a remarkable woman. You my dear are a remarkable brother! Your...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: melissa
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a flower for your beautiful sister, mother, daughter, and friend
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: ddeduoni
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I love you and miss you
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: ddeduoni
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I light this candle in your memory. For the love of the sister you were and the wonderful mother.
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: ddeduoni
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I love you and miss you. I miss you so much some days it hurts so bad. i am told it will get better.
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: ddeduoni
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I miss you so much and I am trying to do what is right by you, Nana. I promise to you I will make your children my own.


Fathers Name: Thomas Silverman Sr
Mothers Name: Lucy DeDuoni
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Colorado Springs
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Divorced
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Sport: Yoga
Favourite Book: The Notebook
Favourite Movie: Grease
Favourite Music Genre: Pop


Place of Passing: Colorado Springs
Date of Passing: 19 December 2007
Cause of Passing: Car Accident/ Complications
Type of Funeral: Memorial Service
Place of Burial: Her body was donated to science
Plot Number: n/a
Funeral Director: na
Funeral Location: n/a
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3,072 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: ddeduoni on 28 January 2008    |     Back to Top

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