Timothy  Nye's Memorial

Timothy Nye
(1938 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Mr Timothy Nye
Nick Name: Opa
Gender: Male
Age: 70 years old
Lived: Saturday, 3 September 1938 - Saturday, 13 June 2009

My Story

Timothy S. Nye Sr. was born on september 3 1938 in monterey, california. he later enlisted into the united states army where he served our beloved country for 20 years, well actually if your were to ask him it was more like 20 years 2 months 13 days 4 hours and 37 minutes, or something like that, he said that he left early that last day. over those 20 years he earned the rank of first sergeant, on december 24th 1967 he was severly wounded when an rpg struck his tank. he was down but not out, eventually due to his injuries recieved on that day Mr. Nye had his left leg amputated. But opa always had high spirits and never complained. While serving in the army opa spent most of his time as a "darkhorse" with the 11th ACR, where he earned two purple hearts. In the civilian world he was just as outstanding, he was married to the love of his life katharina, and together they raised two children, peggy (william) and tim jr. (tracy) After retirement, Mr. and Mrs. Nye spent most of there time doing what they always loved, traveling mostly just day trips to the mountains or the beach but every now and again they would go on longer trips such as the summer of 2000 cross country roadtrip they embarked on from washington state to georgia. Opa played a large role in the lives of many people including his entire family kristina (shaun) and patricia (neil) are peggys daughters and myself timothy nye III (tatiana) he raised us three very well and we are all very greatfull he is also survived by 3 great grandchildren, katherina is patricia's daughter Tristen is my son and Lillian is kristina's daughter. June 10th 2009 was his last day away from a hospital bed and it was spent on a drive with oma (Mrs. Nye), june 11th he was addmited to MAMC and on june 13th 2009 this country lost a great citizen this army lost a great veteran and this family lost there opa.

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Date of Passing: 13 June 2009
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