Justin  Johnson's Memorial

Justin Johnson
(1979 - 2008)


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From: justinsmom
Happy 32nd Birthday sweetheart. Missing you today and how we celebrated all your birthdays with balloons, gifts, and your special birthday song from ZOOM. I put balloons on your accident site while AZ family visited your grave and left more balloons. You would be so happy to know I sent everyone a Survival Kit in your memory. It was your latest project....lol. I also sent everyone wrist band...
From: justinsmom
My Justin...you are missed just like it was yesterday. How I wish you were still here with us. You are with us every day in our hearts and in our conversation. My sweet son...I love you.
Song Dedication
From: justinsmom
Song Name: Lift Me Up
Artist: Gordon Moate
Written by Justin's dad.
From: justinsmom
Hi sweetheart...it's been 3 years and it seems like you just left us. You are missed so much... love and kisses my angel. MOM
From: justinsmom
Merry Christmas Justinbustin. We have so many funny and wonderful memories of you opening gifts. You were always so excited and happy at this time of year and knew you were getting just what you ask for. Usually the latest video system and games. lol. I think of you every time I see Guitar Hero and the year you introduced it to the Johnson family...lol. Now it is part of our christmas. Sin...
From: justinsmom
My Justinbustin.......you can be in peace knowing Erin has found love again. I know your love for her will be forever so keep watch over her. She loved you and deserves happiness here on earth. We miss her too. But we hold dear all of the memories that will never fade. You are with us every day. I love you so much and miss you so much. Angel kisses my darling son. Mom
From: justinsmom
Justinbustin...it has been 2 years 7 months and 11 days and I miss you so much. You are in my heart and thoughts every day. How I would love to see your beautiful smile and dimples and tell you how much I love you. Just one more hug. My heart hurts today but I know you are in a better place. I can only cry my tears and know I will see you again. Love and Kisses....my Justin.
From: justinsmom
Happy 31st Birthday on this special day in heaven. You were remembered today as everyday with laughter and tears and all of the memories we share. Love and kisses Mom
From: justinsmom
My heart hurts ...will it ever stop? I miss you so much. I love you my sweet son !!! Always and forever.
From: justinsmom
Justin...you were here with us in our hearts and memories this Christmas. We laughed and told stories and all clung together sharing the loss of you not being with us. The boys played "Guitar Hero" and remembered the first year you introduced everyone to it !! You will always be with us. Your loving mother