Julian  Pringle's Memorial

Julian Pringle
(1940 - 2013)


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General Details

Name: Mr Julian Pringle
Gender: Male
Age: 73 years old
Lived: Monday, 6 May 1940 - Sunday, 22 September 2013

My Story

How can one tell the story of the life of a man such as Julian in a page, or several?
Especially one who wore so many 'hats' as he described the varied roles he played throughout his life?
Mate, Husband, Fur father, Dad, Mr Fixit, Advocate for the Underdog, Teacher, Loyal Friend, Television Director and Producer, Builder and renovator, Chef, Music lover, Activist, Good bloke to name a few.

His schooling at Geelong Grammer where both his parents, Alice and Grant Pringle taught, included time at Timbertops where his love of the Australian bush and the crafts that go along with spending time in it continued to grow. Also Sea scouts nurtured his love of sailing and knot artistry amongst other skills, including baffling naval officiers who this young man with so many marks of distinction on his uniform was. If only they knew!

University days, from what i hear, being but a glint in his eye, were a heady mix of intellectual sparring and witticism with friends Paul Eddy and David Kendall the key coconspirators. This is where he met wife to be Diana Hosking, a creative in her own right. Suzy Baldwin, in love with David at the time spoke of these times in her eulogy of believing we 'could change the world, and in their various ways and in their own fields, many (including the wider circle of friends) did.' Sue Nattrass described the time.."They were colourful characters all, sharing a time at University that gave them freedom and space to undertake mad projects, to 'under appear' at lectures and tutorials, and the opportunity to take on the world."

Julian and Diana married, moved to Sydney and began their life of 25 years together. Julian having done previous research on the sofa at someones who would become a lifelong friend, a woman ahead of her time in both miniskirt and smarts, Judy Bell.
They would have two kids, me, Chloe, first out of the womb, and then unperturbed, Dylan.
In the seventies with a group of other folks 'Mangrove Creek', spotted by Diana and mate Libby Buhrich, was bought and due to one rickety bridge the 'house of doors' was built under the architectural eye of Clive Buhrich (Julian and Clive were to develop a deep friendship around such builds and renos).
As kids we learned to run wild in the bush and on the river here. A deep love of sandstone country indelibly imprinted in us from our parents as we climbed to the top of the mountain and gathered wildflowers, lit campfires and canoed.

In his career as a Television Director and Producer working in Australian drama.  He worked his way through the ranks and times of the ABC from programs the Sullivans, to 'Babakiuaria'  which won a Nobel media peace price, and is today used in schools and universities to promote critical thinking. Made in 1986 it is a satirical role reversal of who were the indigenous inhabitants of Australia and whom the 'boat people'. Well worth a watch, Only one of many aspects of Julians advocacy and outspoken wit....
 Link : www.youtube.com./watch?v=oUMpPgMGCe8
Other work included Seven Deadly Sins in 1993 and Heartlands in 1994 which won the 1994 AFI Award for Best Achievement in a TV Drama.

We may well have been cute wee blonde thangs as kids, but were rapidly became a handfull as we grew, and it was in our interesting, to say the least, teen years and definitely on that Dad came to the fore. As treaty negotiator, mental health advocate, mediator and bearer of practical wisdoms, patiently.

Julian met Francoise, his second life partner of 21 years and blossomed into another time in his life of productivity, proud of her work as a researcher and producer with Compass. German Short Haired Pointers aka GSPs, the next generation of children to visit the house of doors pitter pattered. From the get go were a committed duo and travelled togther extensivelly when they could. He took her extended family into his life, and they him. As always with Julian relationships and those people close to him were on the top of his list. He retrained to teach English as a second language and showed another aspect of this side of him, his love of humanity as a whole and ethical belief in a fair go, apart from right wing a holes and those who would harm others. All said with a smile,

I knew Julian as my friend and father, and was blessed in both. I dont like to think of him as 'lost' to us, that sounds like he's driving around some suburban culdesac or stuck between aisles in Balmain Woolies. He may have left the physical, but for such a dear dear man,  as close friend Max Cornwell named him upon his deathbed, there are too many good memories, belly laugh moments and tender ones to envision him as gone. I couldnt bear that, he's simply shifted form.....

From Judy Bells eulogy comes this quote  from David Harkins  'He is Gone'

"You can shed tears that he is gone

Or you can smile because he has lived

You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back

Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left

Your heart can be empty because you can't see him

Or you can be full of the love that you shared

You can turn your back on tommorow and live yesterday

Or you can be happy for tommorow because of yesterday

You can remember him and only that he is gone

Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on

You can cry and close your mind be empty and turn your back

Or you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on."

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Fathers Name: Grant Pringle
Mothers Name: Alice Pringle
Spouse's Name: Francoise Fombertaux
Children's Names: Dylan and Chloe Pringle
Siblings Names: Denise
Country of Birth: Australia
Country of Residence: Australia
City of Residence: Sydney
Occupation: Self-Employment
Marital Status: De Facto



Date of Passing: 22 September 2013

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