John Courtney  Pennington Jr's Memorial

John Courtney Pennington Jr
(1964 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mr John Courtney Pennington Jr
Gender: Male
Age: 43 years old
Lived: Friday, 14 February 1964 - Thursday, 10 January 2008

My Story

John was born on 14 Febuary 1964 in Key West, Florida to John Courtney and Hilda Pennington and lived in San Antonio, Texas. He graduated from John Marshall High School in May 1983, in January 1984 he joined the Marine Corps where he served as an aircraft maintenance mechanic until May 1984. After his tour of duty he attended St. Phillips College in pursuit of a Physical Therapy Associates in Science.  During this period John also worked for Charles K. Company as an independent contractor.

On 10 January 2008 John succumbed to Cancer and left us to join his mother Hilda and Grandmother Tine Pennington and to be with our Father God of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He is survied by his Father John Courtney Pennington and step mother Elia Pennington, Sister and brother in law Donna and Juan Lopez, nephews Michael Pennington and Christopher Lopez, son and daughter in law Arnold and  Cleopatra Biong,  granddaughter Ashley, Grandfather JC Pennington, Aunt and Uncle Pam and Darell Christianson, Cousins Brittney and Wade Liles their children Katelyn and Gavin, Cousins Ryan and Terri Christianson their children Kaden and Haley and several friends.

He will be interred at the Fort Sam Houston Cemetery on 15 Jan 08 at 1130.

Latest Tributes

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Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Sandra
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Hallo John, es war schön das wir (Joe,Gerdrud und ich) die Gelegenheit hatten Dich kennenlernen zu dürfen und du unse...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Julissa
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Hey John, I know we only spent a couple of hours together for Christmas dinner, but I must say you made a pretty bi...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: DonnaLopez
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Uncle John, It was so difficult to sleep at night knowing how much you were suffering. But now that I know you are w...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: DonnaLopez
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Uncle John, Through all the hardships, you suffered through. Now I know that I'll miss you. Michael David
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: DonnaLopez
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My dear brother, as the picked flower withers and fades away the seeds in the pods actually have to die before they b...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: juanlopez
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May the Lord bless you and welcome you into his loving arms


Fathers Name: John Courtney Pennington Sr
Mothers Name: Hilda Hurt
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: San Antonio, TX
Occupation: Construction
Marital Status: Divorced
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Motor Racing
Favourite Team: Dale Earnhart
Favourite Music Genre: Rock


Place of Passing: San Antonio, TX
Date of Passing: 10 January 2008
Cause of Passing: Cancer
Type of Funeral: Cremation
Place of Burial: Ft. Sam Houston Cemetary
Funeral Director: Funeral Caring USA
Funeral Location: Ft. Sam Houston
Funeral Date: 15 January 2008
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3,901 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: juanlopez on 12 January 2008    |     Back to Top

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