janina  and  frank newman fry's Memorial

janina and frank newman fry
(Unknown - 1999)


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General Details

Name: Mrs janina and frank newman fry
Nick Name: jenny
Maiden Name: vanhurk
Lived: Unknown - Thursday, 9 December 1999

My Story

my nan and grandad met after world war 2 when my nan came over to England from Belgium ,she moved to London at 21 where she fell in  love and got married to frank Newman she had one daughter Christina (my mum) . when younger she was a ballet dancer and traveled all over different places doing shows. i don't remember much about my grandad as i was young when he passed away (11) but i do remember he was a nice man and always loved being around his grandchildren and going out with us . sadly after a short battle with stomach cancer he passed away at kings cross hospital in london.my nan moved to wellingborough (in northamptonshire) to be nearer her family  where we visited every week. i gave birth to my first child in July 1998 whom she doted on . my nan then met and married  a man called George fry who treated the grandchildren like his own. i fell pregnant again in 1999 with my second daughter,shortly after my nan fell ill from psoriasis of the liver,at the same time my newborn daughter fell ill with bronchitis and had to be admitted 2 floors up from my nan ,a few days after seeing her my nan passed away but not before saying how beautiful her granddaughter was. i will always remember the time we spent together and cherish all our memories. xxxxxx since than i have given birth to another girl and a boy ,i feel sad she is not here to see them but I'm sure she and my grandad is smiling down on them from heaven.

Latest Tributes

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Stone Memorial Tribute
From: dbrown
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dear nan and grandad,miss you always xxx
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: dbrown
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we love you always xxxxx take care of sasha and sabre for us till our time comes.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: dbrown
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to janina and frank miss you always and thinking about you. xx michael
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: dbrown
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dear great grandma and grandpa we love you very much xxxxxx shannon,courtney,andrea,michael.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: dbrown
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dear nan and grandad. love you and miss you always. xxxxxx


Spouse's Name: frank
Children's Names: christina
Country of Birth: Belgium
Country of Residence: Great Britain
City of Residence: wellingborough
Marital Status: Widowed


Favourite Charity: cancer research
Other Interests:
ballet dancing.her dogs mitsi (chihuhua) benji (yorkshire terrier) tina (yorkshire terrier) rusty (cocker spaniel) snowy(white persian) meeting people at the day centre and dancing.


Place of Passing: kettering general hospital
Date of Passing: 9 December 1999
Cause of Passing: liver disease and brain hemorage
Type of Funeral: cremation
Place of Burial: doddington road cemetery
Funeral Director: bruce carters
Funeral Location: wellingborough
Funeral Date: 8 January 2000
Our Wishing Well

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