Buddy  Roesler's Memorial

Buddy Roesler
(1993 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mr Buddy Roesler
Nick Name: Bud
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Lived: Sunday, 4 July 1993 - Saturday, 12 July 2008

My Story

Dearest buddy,

We first seen you in the pet shop window back in 1993 you were just a small bundle of fluff and from the moment we set our eyes on you we knew you were the dog for us!
We bought you home and thats when you started making your place in the depths of our hearts.  You're first night was a scarey one for you, being away from the family you knew, but all you wanted was to be loved so once we put you in our room you went straight off to sleep.

There was no stopping you after that...you were a great little pup and loved coming with us on our camping trips, we would set up the baby play pen for you and you would sleep in there when you wernt out runing after all the kids!! you sure loved your camping. One time when we were out on a farm you thought it would be fun to roll around in the cow poop, my goodness did you come out green!!!

There was never a dull moment with you around! if there was trouble to be found or fun to be had you were the centre of it! you loved to love and loved to be loved and were the most beautiful being i knew.

we thought you couldnt get much more naughty if you tried....we were wrong. I remember when we went out you would want some company so soon worked out how to get out of the yard! no matter what we did you found a way to get out! You could clear our fences and dig under our gates...there was really no stopping you!!

we tried locking you inside....big mistake! mums expensive curtains were never the same! neither was the wall paper or anything breakable in sight! you had a field day.
So we decided to try chaining you up to a run of rope....that didnt last long either! no matter what we tried you found a way around it...countless times we got calls saying you have been picked up off the road and to come and get you!

but that was who you are, and we wouldnt have changed you for the world!

You absoulutly loved water, you loved to swim, to chase the hose or run in the rain! you loved growing up with a swimming pool, i always remember how excited you would get when you seen us getting our bathers on and getting a towel, you would run around the house wagging your tail in excitement!!
once we were in the pool you would jump in countless times to fetch your ball! That was the most fun you ever had!

The day we moved onto the farm was a bitter sweet time for you, you loved having the room to run but hated leaving the pool behind! your best friend Cindles came to live here with you too so you were happy! you still worked out how to get out the yard but you never went far, we could see you were starting to mature slowly but you were still the same fun-loving dog you had always been!!

Then the time came when you started to slow down more and more and sadly you didnt get to go out as much as you used to, but it didnt change the fact that you were still so happy!!

but sadly good things dont last forever, the day before your 15th birthday in 2008 we noticed you starting to look a bit off, so we called the vet and he wasnt sure what was wrong...so we took you into the vet the day after your birthday and he said we needed to run tests and scans to find out what was up, we wanted to do everything we could to keep you around longer so we hospilised you to try and get you better.

5 days later the vet said he couldnt see anything wrong, but narrowed it down to old age, we noticed you picked up a little so he said to take you home and see how you went....the minute you got home you gave up, you didnt eat and you didnt even get up off your bed, you told us you were ready...you were giving up and wanted to do that at home.

I will never forget the day we rang the vet and asked him to come over, i wont forget the last time i kissed your nose and you licked my face to say good bye, i wont forget the last time I seen you when i shut the door and left, i couldnt be there when you went. it was too hard.

But I also wont forget all the good times we shared, all the times you kissed my face and wagged your tail to say hello, i wont forget the way you caught the ball and brought it back to me...you would play all day if you could!

dearest buddy i will never forget you, life will never be the same without my bestest friend in it, i know we will see each other again and i cant wait to throw the ball for you when we do!!

until then dearest friend ill see you in my dreams, and i hope you see me in yours...it will take alot more then death to keep our hearts apart....not a day will pass without you in mine.

I love you forever and always, until the end of time and beyond

my true bestest friend forever.

P.s I love you.

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Dear new friend, My name is Naomi a good looking girl.I have a special reason of contacting you which i will make...
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Dear new friend, My name is Naomi a good looking girl.I have a special reason of contacting you which i will make...
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Hi, I am miss joy by name,Is my pleasure to contact you after going through your profile at www.imorial.com which re...


Mothers Name: Jess
Country of Birth: Australia
Country of Residence: Australia
City of Residence: Adelaide


Favourite Sport: Swimming
Favourite Movie: Air bud
Other Interests:
fetch, chasing cats, being with my family.


Place of Passing: At home
Date of Passing: 12 July 2008
Cause of Passing: age
Type of Funeral: family only
Place of Burial: home
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1,790 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: Jessyy on 23 June 2009    |     Back to Top

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