paul  mckernan's Memorial

paul mckernan
(1982 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Mr paul mckernan
Gender: Male
Age: 24 years old
Lived: Friday, 12 February 1982 - Friday, 12 January 2007

My Story

This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, PAUL MCKERNAN who was born in on February 12, 1983

and passed away on January 12, 2007 at the age of 23.

Paul died in his sleep..No time to say goodbye..

u can also go here.. http://www.paul-mckernan and

A Year has Passed and we still Long for you Paul. They say Time get's easier but as i know it doesn't it only get's harder

We will remember him forever. He was Bonhills Finest, A true legend that will live on in Bonhill Forever. We will Cherish all the memories Paul has gave us.

Paul was a loving daddy to his little boy Kieran paul.. Son of Angela and James, Brother to Samantha and James Jnr. Much loved Grandson nephew and cousin.. And Uncle to all the Children of Bonhill who called him Uncle Paul.

Paul had many Friend's, was always the centre of attention at party' s he knew how to get everyone smiling. and laughing,

U can't think of paul and not smile that was the kind of person he was.

Loved and Remembered Each and Every day Forever xxxx

Latest Tributes

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: joybaby100
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Hi, I am miss joy by name,Is my pleasure to contact you after going through your profile at which re...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: miss
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: melissa
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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: clairemck
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hey paul missin u loads . love always claire n michael xxxx
Heart Memorial Tribute
View Memorial's Tribute
love and miss you loads Paul night night sweet dreams xxxxx
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: BigPaulMckernan
Song Name: fields of athenry
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Always mind's me of you big man
Candle Memorial Tribute
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missing you more and more each day
Flower Memorial Tribute
View Memorial's Tribute
1 Year has passed and i still miss you like mad


Fathers Name: James
Mothers Name: Angels
Country of Birth: Scotland
Country of Residence: Scotland
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Other


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: celtic threw and threw
Favourite Music Genre: Folk


Place of Passing: In His Sleep
Date of Passing: 12 January 2007
Type of Funeral: Couldn't get into the Church For people
Place of Burial: Alexandria
Funeral Location: Bonhill Church
Funeral Date: 29 January 2007
Our Wishing Well

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2,672 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: BigPaulMckernan on 15 January 2008    |     Back to Top

Our Wishing Well