Phil  MeallyCarroll's Memorial

Phil MeallyCarroll
(2004 - 2004)


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General Details

Name: Phil MeallyCarroll
Gender: Female
Lived: Tuesday, 24 February 2004 - Wednesday, 10 March 2004

My Story

  Baby Phil Meally Carroll, beloved daughter of Brendan Carroll and Patricia Meally.
 Born on 24th of February 2004 and died 10th March 2004. Sadly missed by her Sisters and Brother and Parents, grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and Godparents.
Always Loved never Forgotten.
She was born a lovely healthy looking baby. It was only when she wouldn't  feed  that it was discovered she had a bowel eating disorder, called necrotising entro colitis. I will never forget the name of it. The doctors thought she would survive with surgery and a colostomy bag, to let the bowel heal. But when they operated on her the bowel was mostly infected and could not be saved. I will never  forget that night that we were told as long as I live.
She was a great little girl and even though she was going through so much she never cried. She made a big impact on all doctors, nurses and anyone who seen her. She got a police escort from Dublin Hospital  to our house in Mullingar, with a nurse in the ambulance along with me.

She came home with us from hospital and lived a week with us, with  the help of the Westmeath hospice nurses, who were brilliant, before passing on. We will treasure those memories forever. She will always be our little angel and we treasure the time we had with her.

Latest Tributes

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Stone Memorial Tribute
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may god bless this beautiful baby
Heart Memorial Tribute
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Phil, your life was short- but never insignificant! Your life was precious, loved, and made an impact on people's liv...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: mymuimui
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Stone Memorial Tribute
From: courthaynes
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i'm so sorry about your loss my baby cousin dakota lyn pastaway so i know how you fill please visit his imorial
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: KtBrooks
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RIP Baby girl, so so sorry for ure loss, i really am.x.x
Flower Memorial Tribute
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RIP little angel.. say hello to my baeutiful baby boy for me as well
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Nock
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Such a beautiful baby. I'm so sorry about your loss.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lostangels
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Im very sorry for your loss of your sweet daughter.I am a angel mom of 4 angels.I know your pain well.And it brakes m...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Sahrasmummy
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Bless both our little angels taken from us far too soon
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Terrilea
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so sorry ox
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: TrishMeally
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Remembering you little angel on this the anniversary of when you passed away. love always Mam nd Dad and all
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: TrishMeally
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Happy Birthday darling love always mam dad and alll


Fathers Name: Brendan
Mothers Name: Trish
Country of Birth: Ireland
Country of Residence: Ireland
City of Residence: Mullingar



Place of Passing: At Home
Date of Passing: 10 March 2004
Cause of Passing: Ilness
Place of Burial: Mullingar
Funeral Location: St Pauls Mullingar
Funeral Date: 11 March 2004

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7,341 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: TrishMeally on 2 February 2008    |     Back to Top