Jada  Justice's Memorial

Jada Justice
(2006 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Jada Justice
Nick Name: JJ
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Lived: Thursday, 3 August 2006 - Saturday, 13 June 2009

My Story

For Jesus called them to him saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for such things belong to the Kingdom of God"-Luke 18:16

Jada was born on August 3rd, 2006 to loving parents, Melissa & Clarence. On June 13th, 2009, just 2 short months before her 3rd birthday, Jada was taken from the world in a brutal act of homicide that I would much rather not describe in detail on this webpage out of respect for the family. Even though her time on earth was short, she was still loved by so many. She was the light of her parents lives as well as her sisters and brothers. She will be missed so much. In the words of the infamous song, "GONE TOO SOON".

I didn't know Jada very well, in fact, I only met her 2 possibly 3 times, I am Jada's Aunt Michelle's best friend of 15 years. It broke my heart to hear what happened and needless to say, I've gotten pretty close to some of her family members so this hits really close to home. You hear of children getting killed everyday but you never think for one minute that it could happen to you or someone you know and then one day, it does happen to you and it rips you apart inside.

She was a pleasure to be around, always smiling and just being a kid as we know them. Not a harmful bone in her body. But God called her home, what we would think to be too soon but I guess God wanted her back in his arms to keep her safe. To me, that means she was much too prescious to be on this earth and that alone, says alot.

She was an angel on earth and now she's an angel in heaven! May God bless Jada "JJ" Justice and keep her in his arms!

**The family would like to thank each and every person who came out during the search, the vigils, the funeral and to all who has lent their support & prayers at this very difficult time for them. The strength is over powering and it's keeping them strong. Jada has now been put to rest and she's flying with the angels waiting for everyone to come join her. She's out of this cruel world and remains in the hearts & minds of everyone who loves her so dearly! So again, thank you so much, on behalf of the family of Jada "JJ" Justice!

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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: LOC
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we always love you baby JJ
Stone Memorial Tribute
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Rest in peace sweet baby. Take with you fond memories of those who loved and cared for you in the short time you were...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: GodsChild
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She was far too precious for this cruel world. May her soul rest in peace for eternity.
Heart Memorial Tribute
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Baby Jada is on my mind and in my heart everyday... i cried... i cried for this little beautiful girl... she is in a...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: us5ashtons
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My 3 year old daughter Jayla and I sang Happy Birthday to Jada yesterday. I live in Virginia and from the first mome...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: tezzaed
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Praying you sprinkle stardust upon ur family as they drift off to Dreamland in search of you tonight ~Hugs sweet Angel!
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: angelf51
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we miss you
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Deneen
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Sweet Angel! May you and my Preah play in Heaven together until both your Mom and myself come to join the two of you!...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: 1KCFan
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RIP Jada
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: AuntyMel
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for an angel
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kennyfan7
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RIP Jada
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: kennyfan7
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RIP Jada


Fathers Name: Clarence Justice
Mothers Name: Melissa Swiontek
Siblings Names: Jaylan, Julian, Desiree, & Celeste
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Portage, Indiana



Date of Passing: 13 June 2009
Cause of Passing: Homicide
Place of Burial: Edmonds & Evans Cemetary
Funeral Location: Edmonds & Evans Funeral
Funeral Date: 3 July 2009
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5,022 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: JamieLMeeks on 30 June 2009    |     Back to Top

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