Edward  J.  Glover's Memorial

Edward J. Glover
(1950 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Mr Edward J. Glover
Nick Name: Joey
Gender: Male
Age: 57 years old
Lived: Wednesday, 15 February 1950 - Thursday, 2 August 2007

My Story

I met Joey as a blind date(1981).I knew from the onset that this was the man I would spend my life with.
My life was filled with knowing how deeply Joey loved me.Only death seperated us after 27 years.
When I became seriously  ill he never left my side.During all the changes in my physical body he never
let it change the way he treated me.He loved me in every sense of the word.

we were happily planning our wedding when I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus.I had to quit my job.
I lost my health insurance.Because He and I had not married legally he could not put me on his policy.
We agonized but finally made the decision not to marry so that I could get the medical insurance I
needed.His mother and mine were our biggest supporters.They understood and supported us.
as well as close friends.I thank God for his sister Cheryl.She was always there for us.

Through the years we were as one body and soul.Often times knowing what the other was thinking
or finishing each others sentence.we loved old movies and music.we even shared the love of the same colors.
We collected old albums,books anything that reminded us of the past.We preservered it..
He was my supporter,encourager and always made me feel like his "Queen".

He was a wonderful father and dotting grandfather.His smile and laughter could make an otherwise
dark day sunny.His since of humor was never ending.He loved to joke and make us all laugh.

Every year he gave me diamond jewerly,when I asked why ,he told me that"diamonds are forever and
we are forever".
My engagement ring I was so precious to me.He finally decided to wear his diamond band.Because we knew that in the eyes of God we had made a committment to each other and we never broke that vow.

I miss him so much,Joey was truely a gift from God.God made him especially for me.God Blessed
us to have a strong Love made of mutual respect,trust and a love for God.

We will be together again in Heaven.
Well ,it's another year 2010.I never thought that we would not be together.The girls are growing and becoming young ladies.You would be so proud of them,both are honor students.Chea's business is good,you had faith
in her and was proud of her.I'm still the activist(smile)doing a lot of computer work for Obama.You would be proud eventho we were on the opposite sides of the political arena (lol).
I believe that we are still connected,I feel you all around me.

I want to thank all of our friends that Joey and I had over the years who supported me,Chea and the girls.
All the cards,letters,phone calls helped us through a difficult time.United Defense Family especially for
the out pouring of love and support.


Latest Tributes

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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: karenr216
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Joeythe years have passed so fast. Since losing you I've lost daddy and Aunt Bessie.It seems like all those I love a...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: karenr216
Song Name: A House is not a ...
Artist: Luther Vandross
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A house is only bricks and morter.You made it a home.I'am sharing this song w...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: karenr216
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Joey it's been two long,hard years.The pain is still as fresh as the day God called you home.I miss your smile,your ...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: karenr216
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My love,Time has not healed my broken heart.I miss you so much each day.I'am alone, half of me is gone forever.I clos...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: karenr216
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Joey,it's almost spring.It seems like yesterday that we were together so happy and enjoying the grandkids.I miss you...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: karenr216
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well Joey,it's that time of year when we celebrate Valentines/Your Birthday/My Birthday.It's hard knowing we won't be...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: cheawoolfolk
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Life Lessons You may have thought I didn't see, Or that I hadn't heard, Life lessons that you taught to me, B...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: cheawoolfolk
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Thank you Dad for being there The times I needed you When it really mattered most You were there to walk me throug...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: cheawoolfolk
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He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [curing their pains and their sorrows]. ~ Psalm 147: 3
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: cheawoolfolk
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Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’” “Yes,...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: cheawoolfolk
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: karenr216
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Fathers Name: Edward Glover Sr.
Mothers Name: Barbara J. Glover
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Louisville
Occupation: Government
Marital Status: Other
Religion: Other Christian


Favourite Sport: Basketball
Favourite Team: U of L
Favourite Book: How the west was Won
Favourite Movie: Fist full of Dollars
Favourite Music Genre: R&B/Urban Soul
Favourite Artist: Luther VanDros
Favourite Charity: Lupus Foundation


Place of Passing: His Home
Date of Passing: 2 August 2007
Cause of Passing: Natural Causes
Type of Funeral: Military
Place of Burial: Lebanon National Cemetary
Funeral Director: Perryman Mortuary
Funeral Location: Louisville,Kentucky
Funeral Date: 7 August 2007
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2,604 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: karenr216 on 20 December 2007    |     Back to Top

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