Grant Alfred  Weggery's Memorial

Grant Alfred Weggery
(1968 - 1994)


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General Details

Name: Mr Grant Alfred Weggery
Gender: Male
Age: 25 years old
Lived: Saturday, 19 October 1968 - Saturday, 30 July 1994

My Story

Grant was 26 years old when he died.  He died by suiside.  Life had got too much for him to cope with.  Why do males do this?  Is it because they don't have someone to talk over problems with?  Or is it that they are ashamed of themselves because they think they are not coping?  I am sure that if the problem/s were discussed they would have been able to handle.  We all make mistakes or bad judgements.
I had waited all my life to have a baby and I gave birth to Grant after a very long labour.  In those days (1968) we were kept in the maternity hospital for a week after birth.  With Grant I was there for two weeks because I had 33 stitches internally.  Grant was so beautiful.  On his ankle (left I think) was a very large red raised thing.  The specialist told me it was a callous from moving his top ankle into the other ankle leaving a callous.  Any way it wasn't a problem and eventually disappeared.  He also developed a red swelling under one of his eyes.  He had a bloked tear duct.  I want Grant circumcised as then post WWII most males were.  My GP told me that he would carry out this procedure in his surgery and I would have to hold Grant.  When I was nursing, male babies went off with a doctor and came back with a wee bandage.  I do remember one baby sobbing in his sleep but I am sure his life wasn't harmed by this.  Anyway Grant need to have a circumcision when he was 2 years old.  Poor little boy had 3 days in hospital then.
If I had know what was to happen to my life I would not have know how to cope.  My husband had a job working Real Estate for his father.  Most offices were away from our town so he was away 4-5 nights a week.  I was pregnant again when Grant was 4 months old but of course we didn't know for 4-6 weeks.  I had dreadful morning sickness again.  Trying to look after a baby on my own with my head constantly down a toilet bowl.  Great.  Then I heard my husband was having an affair with one of the Napier company office girls.  This was absolutely mind boggling.  I had this baby and another growing, was suffering from morning sickness.  Wonderful
After Suzanne was born I must have suffered what is now know as Post Natal Depression.  I came home from hospital with baby number 2 to find something had been happening that looked like another affair, in my own home.  He didn't even try to cover it up.  Found out much later it was one of our waitresses.  One I trusted with my inner most secrets. 
Life didn't get any better because I found another girlfriend and as my hubby was not home and having his own fun, I decided what was good for the gander was good for the goose.  This marriage was doomed and eventually I had a nervous breakdown.  My husband was told to stay away from me.  He now had a local office girl and she was pregnant to him.
Life still continued with the 'you did it and I will too.  He and newly pregnant she, hide my 2 children so I couldn't find them.  One brother-in-law had the cheek to kick me out of his house and then do the same as big brother to his wife.  I did feel sorry for them as their father had his own in-build secretary who sat beside him in the Pontiac with mother-in law on the outside of the secretary.  Very complicated.
I left my 2 children with their father (because I knew my mother-in-law would not let they go without and I had nother to offer, not even mental health) and moved a long way away and started my new life.
I was permitted to see the children after Aneila was born in 1975 in Taupo NZ.  I saw Grant and Suzanne playing with their sister in the public swimming pool  We then wrote to each other.  A nice new start. Grant even rang me when he had moved to Auckland.  I heard his voice after so many years.  But he didn't arrive to visit me as planned instead he decided to kill himself.  A real waste of life and a huge emptiness for his sister and the 2 other children in that that family.
Things that weren't nice were said his father accussed me of being the reason Grant killed himself and I have since heard that Suzanne was accussed of being the reason.  Which is so unfair as they were like twins. 'He' is just lucky that neither of us have done anything to 'him'. 'He' should at least apologise to Suzanne. 
Grant, I would like to know that you arrived in heaven and that the angels have made you feel special.  You were, and still are.  You are missed greatly.  Please rest in peace my son. Love from your mother.xxxxx

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: babylove
View Memorial's Tribute My name is glory i saw your profile today at and became intrest...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: DianeCraw
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Love you xxxxxx
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: DianeCraw
Song Name: The Rose
Artist: Bette Midler
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: llittletommy
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A tragic story....alot of pain and heartache..I wish he would have the strength to visit you (mom) before he left you...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: miss
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lily
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: neverforget
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Grant, I understand you had a troubled life. I hope that you are at peace now. You don't have to worry about anything...


Fathers Name: Graeme Fraser Weggery
Mothers Name: Diane Patricia Weggery
Country of Birth: New Zealand
Country of Residence: New Zealand
Occupation: Science & Technology
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Motor Racing
Favourite Music Genre: New Age and Spiritual


Place of Passing: West Auckland
Date of Passing: 30 July 1994
Cause of Passing: suiside
Funeral Location: Mount Maunganui
Funeral Date: 5 August 1994
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3,029 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: DianeCraw on 9 December 2007    |     Back to Top

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