Joeseph  Huls-Meunier's Memorial

Joeseph Huls-Meunier
(1963 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Joeseph Huls-Meunier
Nick Name: Chawchee
Gender: Male
Age: 44 years old
Lived: Wednesday, 6 February 1963 - Sunday, 6 January 2008

My Story

   We met in January, seven years ago. "The name's Chawchee," he said as he bent his head forward to look overtop of his sunglasses. I remember thinking that this guy seemed a little strange because, who wears sunglasses on a cloudy day in January? Then he smiled, with that silver toothed grin and sat down by our computer, looking around the room at all of the electronic gizmos and gadgets my husband had. You see, my husband Lane, fixed electronics and our living room was his shop.Which I was not thrilled about to say the least.
   Almost immediately, Chawchee started asking Lane if he knew anything about fixing laptops. The more the two of them sat there talking, the more agitated I got. But I smiled and walked into the kitchen out of sight of the two of them. And I also remember thinking, that day, as I stood there in my kitchen shaking my head, "Oh no, not more computers." Well let me tell you, that in the time we've known Chawchee, that thought I had on that first day would turn out to be the understatement of the century. 
   Laptops, desktops, chargers and cellphones. Pretty much every kind of electronic device known to man was being dropped off at my place every week. Sometimes even two and three times a week. Chawchee would show up to drop off some new "toy", either of his or someone he knew, and he would usually stay just long enough to explain what he thought was wrong with it and then he'd leave again. It actually got to a point where I dreaded that knock on the door. But as soon as he'd come through the door, all he had to do was look at you with that silly grin of his and you couldn't stay mad at him. 
   After a few months of this, Chawchee came over one night and actually stayed for a while and listened to me vent about things that were going on in my life. Little did I know that this would become a regular occurrence over the years. Not only between Chawchee and myself, but pretty much with everyone who got to know him. 
     He always tried to take the time to listen to people and their problems, which was part of the reason that he was never on time. But he would make up for this by going out of his way to help you no matter what it took. He was still helping people up until he had to leave us. 
   He was always being sarcastic and funny and would try to make you laugh or smile at every opportunity he had. It didn't matter if you were in a good mood or the worst mood ever, all you had to do was spend five minutes with this man and he could put a smile on your face or have you laughing. If you were in a jam or some kind of trouble just pick up the phone and call Chawchee. As he used to put it, "you can call 24/7." 
   Chawchee was very well known and respected by a good number of people of all walks of life. I can't even begin to count how many times over the years that, as soon as you mentioned either the name Chawchee or Flatliners, (which was his motorcycle club) you would hear someone say that they had heard of Chawchee or they knew him. 
   Chawchee affected a lot of people in a very positive way. He always knew just what to say or do, and I can honestly say, as I'm sure a few other people can too, that if it wasn't for Chawchee we wouldn't be here today. 
   I wish for myself and everyone who knew him, that I could somehow fill this empty feeling we now have in our hearts and stop this sorrow and pain. I also wish that I could be strong like he was and hold back my tears when I think about him not being here with us anymore. I miss him terribly. But I know that Chawchee wouldn't want us to be sad and upset because he had to go. I can hear him saying, "come on cheer up, it's not that bad." And then I'll think about his silly grin and the way he used to giggle when he laughed and it puts a smile back on my face again. 
   So as I say good-bye to you now Chawch, I want you to know that you helped me more than you'll ever know. I feel very privileged and blessed to have known you. And I am a better person for having been able to call you, "my friend." 
   Love you and miss you lots 

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: fcuk
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so daddy i really miss you is a heartache for me as was this day a year ago..i love you so much and i wis...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: mnmcandy
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Memory Memorial Tribute
From: mnmcandy
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Here is to shared mountain and ice logs. There was never a broken pipe when you were around. The best friend I ever h...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: llittletommy
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To the creator of "chawchee's" eulogy....your story is moving...he sounded like a wonderful diamond in the rough....
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: mnmcandy
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I wish I could ask you if you remember all the times weve been stuck in power outages. How about the time when we cou...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: mnmcandy
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You never liked flowers anyway so I thought I would mock a bit. Kyna
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: itwuzntme
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Happy 45th Chawch... We all would have loved to have seen the look on your face when you heard that. As well, the sar...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: EllenKennedy
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Chawch , sorry you had to go, too fast too soon. I'm sad I never had a chance to say good-bye. It's not really good-b...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: cherbears
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Just wanted you to know that we all miss you . And that you will always be remembered . You lent your ear or your sho...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: LisaMarie
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Chawchee; You are truly one of a kind. I've never met anyone willing to do almost anything for people the way you h...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: friend
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This is a few words from a point of view that so many other's feel the very same. ! Chaw Chee ...


Fathers Name: Alphonse Meunier
Mothers Name: Carol Meunier
Country of Birth: Canada
Country of Residence: Canada
City of Residence: Surrey
Occupation: Trades & Services


Favourite Music Genre: Rock
Favourite Artist: Rolling Stones
Favourite Charity: Most of the people he knew.


Place of Passing: Royal Columbian Hospital New Westminister, BC
Date of Passing: 6 January 2008
Cause of Passing: Heart failure
Type of Funeral: Memorial Service
Funeral Location: First Memorial Funeral Services Fraser Heights Chapel 14835 Fraser Highway , Surrey , BC V3R 3N6
Funeral Date: 19 January 2008
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2,997 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: itwuzntme on 10 January 2008    |     Back to Top

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