Casey  Coco's Memorial

Casey Coco
(1984 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Casey Coco
Gender: Male
Age: 24 years old
Lived: Wednesday, 4 January 1984 - Friday, 11 July 2008

My Story

Casey wrote this about himself: (this describes him well) I'm not sure what to say. People don't ask about me often, and I feel no need to justify myself to others, so I never explain myself. The least I can do is tell you a little about my life. I believe in balance, mainly. Keep a cool head and everything will work out fine. Perhaps more importantly, I do not worry about things large or small, and never plan ahead. I believe in enjoyment, and self-betterment. I find all mystical matters highly interesting, even if nine times out of ten they are a crock. I think that the perfect person has two attributes: a totally open mind, and a certain...force of will, a presence of strength. I'm not sure if it is a thing a person is born with, or attained by effort. If it is the latter, I hope that my poetry can help you achieve that. ~Casey Coco written fall of 2001. He was a very loving, good person. He was liked by everyone who knew him, and very loved by his family, who would do anything in the world for him. He always held himself to very high moral standards. He loved children (and was so looking forward to having his own children) and animals (that is why he was a vegan).Casey loved the beach and he loved nature, he loved to go for walks in the woods. He was a happy person with a great sense of humor. Casey was a minimalist, loved life and the world, and he always was happy with the smallest things. He saw the wonderment in all things and was for lack of a better word, a dreamer. He was a quiet, shy person who was very talented in the arts. His passion was writing. He was a very gifted writer. He loved to read. He was also good at other forms of art and very good on computers. He was a very intelligent person. We believe he would have had a wonderful life ahead of him. Such a shame that a person such as him with all his potential is lost to the world. The story of his death is a tragic one: Casey ended his life because he loved so deeply. He met a girl and her brother online and communicated with them for months. He told me he liked her and that he was friends with her brother. Apparently he loved her very much, even tho he had never met her. One day her brother told him that she was in a car accident and was in a coma, that night he told Casey she had died. Casey took this very hard and apparently told her brother that he was going to kill himself, but he didn't tell us. Casey left suicide notes saying that the only reason that he did it was because he couldn't live without her and he just wanted to be with her. He even apolojized to us for doing what he did. I found out after Casey's death that the girl is ALIVE. I do not understand how someone could do this to another person. I am trying to find it in my heart to forgive them but it is not easy. I feel sorry for Holly, she has no idea what she had with Casey.

Latest Tributes

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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: mums
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God Bless you! I know my son was in Heaved to meet Casey. They had a little laugh since, both Moms are Gail. Not one ...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: Rusti
Song Name: Echoes
Artist: Pink Floyd
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This ones for you man......RIP
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Rusti
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I can't believe this is real! I hadn't heard from him in so long and when I look him up online this is what I found! ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Danno11
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Casey, I never had the privilege to read or hear any of your poetry. I knew about your writing though. It saddens me ...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: MissChrissy
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"Be of good cheer about death and know this as a truth that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or afte...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Toni84
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I only knew Casey for a short while, I worked with him briefly in Lafayette. I just want to send out my blessing to y...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: honey
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my heart goes out to your loved ones
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: honey
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may you be remebered by all,rest in the hands of the lord.
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: bigmomma
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Robin and Gail, I can not tell you how sorry I am to read that Casey is gone on to be with the Lord. I can still rem...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Lori1964
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May you rest in the peace of God
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: srpierron
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I am so sorry for your loss. May your loved one rest in peace. God bless you.
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: CaseyCoco
Song Name: When I Get Where ...
Artist: Brad Paisley
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Dedicated to my son Casey, who was the light of my life...Robin Coco


Fathers Name: Robin Coco
Mothers Name: Gail Coco
Siblings Names: Michael, Joseph "Rob" & Kenneth Coco
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Saint Amant
Occupation: Hospitality & Tourism
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Not Religious


Favourite Sport: Meditation
Favourite Book: any by Orson Scott Card & L.E. Modesitt,jr
Favourite Movie: didn't like-read the books
Favourite Music Genre: Miscellaneous
Favourite Artist: Tyler Broussard
Favourite Charity: The Humaine Society + Peta


Place of Passing: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Date of Passing: 11 July 2008
Cause of Passing: suicide
Type of Funeral: memorial service
Place of Burial: cremated
Funeral Location: Hearts Ease Family Life Center
Funeral Date: 9 August 2008
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